ucraniano sobrenomes que começam com R

ucraniano sobrenomes em ordem alfabética:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sobrenome Origem Significado
Rudakova ucraniano Female name RUDAKOVA is a Latin spell...
Rudakow ucraniano Male name RUDAKOW is a Latin spelling...
Rudakowa ucraniano Female name RUDAKOWA is a Latin spell...
Rudas ucraniano Name RUDAS is a Latin spelling of its...
Rudchencko ucraniano Name RUDCHENCKO is a Latin spelling o...
Rudchenco ucraniano Name RUDCHENCO is a Latin spelling of...
Rudchenko ucraniano Name RUDCHENKO is a Latin spelling of...
Rudcko ucraniano Name RUDCKO is a Latin spelling of it...
Rudckovsca ucraniano Name RUDCKOVSCA is a Latin spelling o...
Rudckovscaya ucraniano Female name RUDCKOVSCAYA is a Latin s...
Rudckovscii ucraniano Male name RUDCKOVSCII is a Latin spel...
Rudckovscij ucraniano Male name RUDCKOVSCIJ is a Latin spel...
Rudckovscka ucraniano Name RUDCKOVSCKA is a Latin spelling ...
Rudckovsckaya ucraniano Female name RUDCKOVSCKAYA is a Latin ...
Rudckovsckii ucraniano Male name RUDCKOVSCKII is a Latin spe...
Rudckovsckij ucraniano Male name RUDCKOVSCKIJ is a Latin spe...
Rudckovska ucraniano Name RUDCKOVSKA is a Latin spelling o...
Rudckovskaya ucraniano Female name RUDCKOVSKAYA is a Latin s...
Rudckovskii ucraniano Male name RUDCKOVSKII is a Latin spel...
Rudckovskij ucraniano Male name RUDCKOVSKIJ is a Latin spel...
Rudckowsca ucraniano Name RUDCKOWSCA is a Latin spelling o...
Rudckowscaya ucraniano Female name RUDCKOWSCAYA is a Latin s...
Rudckowscii ucraniano Male name RUDCKOWSCII is a Latin spel...
Rudckowscij ucraniano Male name RUDCKOWSCIJ is a Latin spel...
Rudckowscka ucraniano Name RUDCKOWSCKA is a Latin spelling ...
Rudckowsckaya ucraniano Female name RUDCKOWSCKAYA is a Latin ...
Sobrenome Origem Significado
Rudckowsckii ucraniano Male name RUDCKOWSCKII is a Latin spe...
Rudckowsckij ucraniano Male name RUDCKOWSCKIJ is a Latin spe...
Rudckowska ucraniano Name RUDCKOWSKA is a Latin spelling o...
Rudckowskaya ucraniano Female name RUDCKOWSKAYA is a Latin s...
Rudckowskii ucraniano Male name RUDCKOWSKII is a Latin spel...
Rudckowskij ucraniano Male name RUDCKOWSKIJ is a Latin spel...
Rudco ucraniano Name RUDCO is a Latin spelling of its...
Rudcovsca ucraniano Name RUDCOVSCA is a Latin spelling of...
Rudcovscaya ucraniano Female name RUDCOVSCAYA is a Latin sp...
Rudcovscii ucraniano Male name RUDCOVSCII is a Latin spell...
Rudcovscij ucraniano Male name RUDCOVSCIJ is a Latin spell...
Rudcovscka ucraniano Name RUDCOVSCKA is a Latin spelling o...
Rudcovsckaya ucraniano Female name RUDCOVSCKAYA is a Latin s...
Rudcovsckii ucraniano Male name RUDCOVSCKII is a Latin spel...
Rudcovsckij ucraniano Male name RUDCOVSCKIJ is a Latin spel...
Rudcovska ucraniano Name RUDCOVSKA is a Latin spelling of...
Rudcovskaya ucraniano Female name RUDCOVSKAYA is a Latin sp...
Rudcovskii ucraniano Male name RUDCOVSKII is a Latin spell...
Rudcovskij ucraniano Male name RUDCOVSKIJ is a Latin spell...
Rudcowsca ucraniano Name RUDCOWSCA is a Latin spelling of...
Rudcowscaya ucraniano Female name RUDCOWSCAYA is a Latin sp...
Rudcowscii ucraniano Male name RUDCOWSCII is a Latin spell...
Rudcowscij ucraniano Male name RUDCOWSCIJ is a Latin spell...
Rudcowscka ucraniano Name RUDCOWSCKA is a Latin spelling o...

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