Middle names

Middle name is literally the name that is between your first(given) name and your family(last) name. Middle names could be either given names or surnames. In some coutries such names are specifically referred to as middle names when in others it might be different. For example, in Russia, the name has nothing to do with the order but rather refers to the father of the person. In many countries there is usually only one middle name. Others have multiple middle names that are regarded as second, third, and so forth.

Russian middle names

As with many things that are 'Russian,' neither child nor his parents has much choice in picking the name. It is purely patronymic and generally predefined at the time when the child is born or even rather conceived. The name is derived from the child's father's first...

Ukrainian middle names

Ukrainian middle names form the same way as Russian ones, except that for girls, the patronymic ending is '-ivna' rather than '-ovna' or '-evna.' Follow the Russian middle names link to get any additional information.

Belarus middle names

Belarus middle names form the same way as Russian ones, in part due to general common history of the Russian and Belarus nationalities, and in part due to very close integration of all nationalities during the Soviet Union times. Follow the

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