ucraniano sobrenomes que começam com R

ucraniano sobrenomes em ordem alfabética:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sobrenome Origem Significado
Rozowic ucraniano Name ROZOWIC is a Latin spelling of i...
Rozowick ucraniano Name ROZOWICK is a Latin spelling of ...
Rozowik ucraniano Name ROZOWIK is a Latin spelling of i...
Rozsoha ucraniano Name ROZSOHA is a Latin spelling of i...
Rozum ucraniano Name ROZUM is a Latin spelling of its...
Rozumencko ucraniano Name ROZUMENCKO is a Latin spelling o...
Rozumenco ucraniano Name ROZUMENCO is a Latin spelling of...
Rozumenko ucraniano Name ROZUMENKO is a Latin spelling of...
Rozumna ucraniano Name ROZUMNA is a Latin spelling of i...
Rozumnaya ucraniano Female name ROZUMNAYA is a Latin spel...
Rozumnii ucraniano Male name ROZUMNII is a Latin spellin...
Rozumnij ucraniano Male name ROZUMNIJ is a Latin spellin...
Rubaha ucraniano Name RUBAHA is a Latin spelling of it...
Ruban ucraniano Name RUBAN is a Latin spelling of its...
Rubanyac ucraniano Name RUBANYAC is a Latin spelling of ...
Rubanyack ucraniano Name RUBANYACK is a Latin spelling of...
Rubanyak ucraniano Name RUBANYAK is a Latin spelling of ...
Rubcoff ucraniano Male name RUBCOFF is a Latin spelling...
Rubcov ucraniano Male name RUBCOV is a Latin spelling ...
Rubcova ucraniano Female name RUBCOVA is a Latin spelli...
Rubcow ucraniano Male name RUBCOW is a Latin spelling ...
Rubcowa ucraniano Female name RUBCOWA is a Latin spelli...
Rubec ucraniano Name RUBEC is a Latin spelling of its...
Rubel ucraniano Name RUBEL is a Latin spelling of its...
Rubets ucraniano Name RUBETS is a Latin spelling of it...
Rubtsoff ucraniano Male name RUBTSOFF is a Latin spellin...

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