Greek last names starting with V

Greek last names in alphabetical order:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name Origin Meaning
Vlahakis Greek
Vlahos Greek
Vlahoutzi Greek
Vlangali Greek
Vlangos Greek
Vlasopoulos Greek
Vlassopoulo Greek
Vlasto Greek
Vlaviano Greek
Vogiatzis Greek
Vogoridi Greek
Voinescu Greek
Voivoda Greek
Vokos Greek
Volikakis Greek
Volterra Greek
Vonda Greek
Voskopoulos Greek
Votrondi Greek
Vougiouklakis Greek
Voulgari Greek
Voulgaris Greek
Voultso Greek
Vouro Greek
Voutier Greek
Voutsina Greek
Name Origin Meaning
Vovos Greek
Voyazides Greek
Vrahos Greek
Vrana Greek
Vranas Greek
Vrettos Greek
Vrioni Greek
Vriviali Greek
Vrokinis Greek
Vurnali Greek
Vurnica Greek
Vuzzanesi Greek
Vuzzara Greek

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