Greek last names starting with D

Greek last names in alphabetical order:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name Origin Meaning
Dacoro Greek
Dadas Greek
Dadichis Greek
Dafasano Greek
Dafranceschi Greek
Dagres Greek
Dahon Greek
Daix Greek
Dalassene Greek
Dallaporta Greek
Damala Greek
Damaskinos Greek
Damiri Greek
Dampierre Greek
Dandolo Greek
Dangli Greek
Dantan Greek
Danzas Greek
Daresi Greek
Darian Greek
Darmaro Greek
Darvari Greek
Dasconi Greek
Daskalakis Greek
Daskalatos Greek
Dassila Greek
Name Origin Meaning
Dassiota Greek
Davier Greek
Daviva Greek
Dedimo Greek
Degadin Greek
Degidi Greek
Dejanovic Greek
Delberoglouo Greek
Delenda Greek
Deligeorgi Greek
Delis Greek
Delivanni Greek
Deliyanni Greek
Delladecima Greek
Dellis Greek
Deltas Greek
Demargne Greek
Demetriadi Greek
Demetriou Greek
Demo Greek
Demopoulos Greek
Demos Greek
Denasi Greek
Dendrino Greek

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