Belarussische Nachnamen beginnend mit V

Belarussische Familiennamen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Valckowsckii Belarussische Male name VALCKOWSCKII is a Latin spe...
Valckowsckij Belarussische Male name VALCKOWSCKIJ is a Latin spe...
Valckowskaya Belarussische Female name VALCKOWSKAYA is a Latin s...
Valckowskii Belarussische Male name VALCKOWSKII is a Latin spel...
Valckowskij Belarussische Male name VALCKOWSKIJ is a Latin spel...
Valco Belarussische Name VALCO is a Latin spelling of its...
Valcovscaya Belarussische Female name VALCOVSCAYA is a Latin sp...
Valcovscii Belarussische Male name VALCOVSCII is a Latin spell...
Valcovscij Belarussische Male name VALCOVSCIJ is a Latin spell...
Valcovsckaya Belarussische Female name VALCOVSCKAYA is a Latin s...
Valcovsckii Belarussische Male name VALCOVSCKII is a Latin spel...
Valcovsckij Belarussische Male name VALCOVSCKIJ is a Latin spel...
Valcovskaya Belarussische Female name VALCOVSKAYA is a Latin sp...
Valcovskii Belarussische Male name VALCOVSKII is a Latin spell...
Valcovskij Belarussische Male name VALCOVSKIJ is a Latin spell...
Valcowscaya Belarussische Female name VALCOWSCAYA is a Latin sp...
Valcowscii Belarussische Male name VALCOWSCII is a Latin spell...
Valcowscij Belarussische Male name VALCOWSCIJ is a Latin spell...
Valcowsckaya Belarussische Female name VALCOWSCKAYA is a Latin s...
Valcowsckii Belarussische Male name VALCOWSCKII is a Latin spel...
Valcowsckij Belarussische Male name VALCOWSCKIJ is a Latin spel...
Valcowskaya Belarussische Female name VALCOWSKAYA is a Latin sp...
Valcowskii Belarussische Male name VALCOWSKII is a Latin spell...
Valcowskij Belarussische Male name VALCOWSKIJ is a Latin spell...
Valeeff Belarussische Male name VALEEFF is a Latin spelling...
Valeev Belarussische Male name VALEEV is a Latin spelling ...
Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Valeeva Belarussische Female name VALEEVA is a Latin spelli...
Valeew Belarussische Male name VALEEW is a Latin spelling ...
Valeewa Belarussische Female name VALEEWA is a Latin spelli...
Valevich Belarussische Name VALEVICH is a Latin spelling of ...
Valewich Belarussische Name VALEWICH is a Latin spelling of ...
Valko Belarussische Name VALKO is a Latin spelling of its...
Valkovscaya Belarussische Female name VALKOVSCAYA is a Latin sp...
Valkovscii Belarussische Male name VALKOVSCII is a Latin spell...
Valkovscij Belarussische Male name VALKOVSCIJ is a Latin spell...
Valkovsckaya Belarussische Female name VALKOVSCKAYA is a Latin s...
Valkovsckii Belarussische Male name VALKOVSCKII is a Latin spel...
Valkovsckij Belarussische Male name VALKOVSCKIJ is a Latin spel...
Valkovskaya Belarussische Female name VALKOVSKAYA is a Latin sp...
Valkovskii Belarussische Male name VALKOVSKII is a Latin spell...
Valkovskij Belarussische Male name VALKOVSKIJ is a Latin spell...
Valkowscaya Belarussische Female name VALKOWSCAYA is a Latin sp...
Valkowscii Belarussische Male name VALKOWSCII is a Latin spell...
Valkowscij Belarussische Male name VALKOWSCIJ is a Latin spell...
Valkowsckaya Belarussische Female name VALKOWSCKAYA is a Latin s...
Valkowsckii Belarussische Male name VALKOWSCKII is a Latin spel...
Valkowsckij Belarussische Male name VALKOWSCKIJ is a Latin spel...
Valkowskaya Belarussische Female name VALKOWSKAYA is a Latin sp...
Valkowskii Belarussische Male name VALKOWSKII is a Latin spell...
Valkowskij Belarussische Male name VALKOWSKIJ is a Latin spell...

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