Belarussische Nachnamen beginnend mit V

Belarussische Familiennamen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Vaginsckii Belarussische Male name VAGINSCKII is a Latin spell...
Vaginsckij Belarussische Male name VAGINSCKIJ is a Latin spell...
Vaginskaya Belarussische Female name VAGINSKAYA is a Latin spe...
Vaginskii Belarussische Male name VAGINSKII is a Latin spelli...
Vaginskij Belarussische Male name VAGINSKIJ is a Latin spelli...
Vaida Belarussische Name VAIDA is a Latin spelling of its...
Vaidat Belarussische Name VAIDAT is a Latin spelling of it...
Vaidilevich Belarussische Name VAIDILEVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vaidilewich Belarussische Name VAIDILEWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vaido Belarussische Name VAIDO is a Latin spelling of its...
Vaidylevich Belarussische Name VAIDYLEVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vaidylewich Belarussische Name VAIDYLEWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vainilo Belarussische Name VAINILO is a Latin spelling of i...
Vainilovich Belarussische Name VAINILOVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vainilowich Belarussische Name VAINILOWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vais Belarussische Name VAIS is a Latin spelling of its ...
Vaisman Belarussische Name VAISMAN is a Latin spelling of i...
Vajda Belarussische Name VAJDA is a Latin spelling of its...
Vajdat Belarussische Name VAJDAT is a Latin spelling of it...
Vajdilevich Belarussische Name VAJDILEVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vajdilewich Belarussische Name VAJDILEWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vajdo Belarussische Name VAJDO is a Latin spelling of its...
Vajdylevich Belarussische Name VAJDYLEVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vajdylewich Belarussische Name VAJDYLEWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vajnilo Belarussische Name VAJNILO is a Latin spelling of i...
Vajnilovich Belarussische Name VAJNILOVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Vajnilowich Belarussische Name VAJNILOWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Vajs Belarussische Name VAJS is a Latin spelling of its ...
Vajsman Belarussische Name VAJSMAN is a Latin spelling of i...
Valai Belarussische Name VALAI is a Latin spelling of its...
Valaj Belarussische Name VALAJ is a Latin spelling of its...
Valasevich Belarussische Name VALASEVICH is a Latin spelling o...
Valasewich Belarussische Name VALASEWICH is a Latin spelling o...
Valasuc Belarussische Name VALASUC is a Latin spelling of i...
Valasuck Belarussische Name VALASUCK is a Latin spelling of ...
Valasuk Belarussische Name VALASUK is a Latin spelling of i...
Valcko Belarussische Name VALCKO is a Latin spelling of it...
Valckovscaya Belarussische Female name VALCKOVSCAYA is a Latin s...
Valckovscii Belarussische Male name VALCKOVSCII is a Latin spel...
Valckovscij Belarussische Male name VALCKOVSCIJ is a Latin spel...
Valckovsckaya Belarussische Female name VALCKOVSCKAYA is a Latin ...
Valckovsckii Belarussische Male name VALCKOVSCKII is a Latin spe...
Valckovsckij Belarussische Male name VALCKOVSCKIJ is a Latin spe...
Valckovskaya Belarussische Female name VALCKOVSKAYA is a Latin s...
Valckovskii Belarussische Male name VALCKOVSKII is a Latin spel...
Valckovskij Belarussische Male name VALCKOVSKIJ is a Latin spel...
Valckowscaya Belarussische Female name VALCKOWSCAYA is a Latin s...
Valckowscii Belarussische Male name VALCKOWSCII is a Latin spel...
Valckowscij Belarussische Male name VALCKOWSCIJ is a Latin spel...
Valckowsckaya Belarussische Female name VALCKOWSCKAYA is a Latin ...

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