Английские фамилии начинающиеся с C

Английские фамилии в алфавитном порядке:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Фамилия Происхождение Значение
Curwen Английское Local: Of Culwen, a lordship in Gallo...
Curwin Английское Local: Of Culwen, a lordship in Gallo...
Curzon Английское Local: Geraldine de Curzon came into ...
Cushen Английское The son of Cistance, from nickname Cu...
Cushin Английское The son of Cistance, from nickname Cu...
Cushing Английское The son of Cistance, from nickname Cu...
Cushion Английское The son of Cistance, from nickname Cu...
Cuss Английское The son of Coustance, usually Custanc...
Cussans Английское In many cases a natural corruption of...
Cussen Английское Nickname: The cousin, a kinsman or ne...
Cussons Английское Nickname: The cousin, a kinsman or ne...
Cust Английское The son of Coustance, usually Custanc...
Custance Английское The son of Coustance. The popular for...
Custerson Английское The son of Coustance. The popular for...
Cutbill Английское The son of Cutbold.
Cutbush Английское Local: Like so many other old French ...
Cuthbert Английское The son of Cuthbert. The surname is f...
Cuthbertson Английское The son of Cuthbert. The surname is f...
Cutice Английское Nickname: The courteous, one of count...
Cutlack Английское The son of Gutlac. First mentioned i...
Cutler Английское The cutler, a maker of knives, etc. A...
Cutson Английское The son of Cuthbert, from the nicknam...
Cutt Английское The son of Cuthbert, from the nicknam...
Cuttance Английское The son of Custance, a corruption.
Cutter Английское The cutter, i.e. cloth-cutter. This w...
Cutts Английское The son of Cuthbert, from the nicknam...

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