ucraniano sobrenomes que começam com R

ucraniano sobrenomes em ordem alfabética:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sobrenome Origem Significado
Reutowa ucraniano Female name REUTOWA is a Latin spelli...
Reva ucraniano Name REVA is a Latin spelling of its ...
Revchuc ucraniano Name REVCHUC is a Latin spelling of i...
Revchuck ucraniano Name REVCHUCK is a Latin spelling of ...
Revchuk ucraniano Name REVCHUK is a Latin spelling of i...
Revcko ucraniano Name REVCKO is a Latin spelling of it...
Revco ucraniano Name REVCO is a Latin spelling of its...
Revega ucraniano Name REVEGA is a Latin spelling of it...
Revencko ucraniano Name REVENCKO is a Latin spelling of ...
Revenco ucraniano Name REVENCO is a Latin spelling of i...
Revenko ucraniano Name REVENKO is a Latin spelling of i...
Revko ucraniano Name REVKO is a Latin spelling of its...
Revucca ucraniano Name REVUCCA is a Latin spelling of i...
Revuccaya ucraniano Female name REVUCCAYA is a Latin spel...
Revuccii ucraniano Male name REVUCCII is a Latin spellin...
Revuccij ucraniano Male name REVUCCIJ is a Latin spellin...
Revuccka ucraniano Name REVUCCKA is a Latin spelling of ...
Revucckaya ucraniano Female name REVUCCKAYA is a Latin spe...
Revucckii ucraniano Male name REVUCCKII is a Latin spelli...
Revucckij ucraniano Male name REVUCCKIJ is a Latin spelli...
Revucka ucraniano Name REVUCKA is a Latin spelling of i...
Revuckaya ucraniano Female name REVUCKAYA is a Latin spel...
Revuckii ucraniano Male name REVUCKII is a Latin spellin...
Revuckij ucraniano Male name REVUCKIJ is a Latin spellin...
Revutsca ucraniano Name REVUTSCA is a Latin spelling of ...
Revutscaya ucraniano Female name REVUTSCAYA is a Latin spe...

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