ucraniano sobrenomes que começam com R

ucraniano sobrenomes em ordem alfabética:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sobrenome Origem Significado
Ruzhitska ucraniano Name RUZHITSKA is a Latin spelling of...
Ruzhitskaya ucraniano Female name RUZHITSKAYA is a Latin sp...
Ruzhitskii ucraniano Male name RUZHITSKII is a Latin spell...
Ruzhitskij ucraniano Male name RUZHITSKIJ is a Latin spell...
Ryaba ucraniano Name RYABA is a Latin spelling of its...
Ryabceff ucraniano Male name RYABCEFF is a Latin spellin...
Ryabcev ucraniano Male name RYABCEV is a Latin spelling...
Ryabceva ucraniano Female name RYABCEVA is a Latin spell...
Ryabcew ucraniano Male name RYABCEW is a Latin spelling...
Ryabcewa ucraniano Female name RYABCEWA is a Latin spell...
Ryabchencko ucraniano Name RYABCHENCKO is a Latin spelling ...
Ryabchenco ucraniano Name RYABCHENCO is a Latin spelling o...
Ryabchenko ucraniano Name RYABCHENKO is a Latin spelling o...
Ryabchich ucraniano Name RYABCHICH is a Latin spelling of...
Ryabchuc ucraniano Name RYABCHUC is a Latin spelling of ...
Ryabchuck ucraniano Name RYABCHUCK is a Latin spelling of...
Ryabchuk ucraniano Name RYABCHUK is a Latin spelling of ...
Ryabchun ucraniano Name RYABCHUN is a Latin spelling of ...
Ryabcko ucraniano Name RYABCKO is a Latin spelling of i...
Ryabco ucraniano Name RYABCO is a Latin spelling of it...
Ryabec ucraniano Name RYABEC is a Latin spelling of it...
Ryabencko ucraniano Name RYABENCKO is a Latin spelling of...
Ryabenco ucraniano Name RYABENCO is a Latin spelling of ...
Ryabenko ucraniano Name RYABENKO is a Latin spelling of ...
Ryabets ucraniano Name RYABETS is a Latin spelling of i...
Ryabii ucraniano Name RYABII is a Latin spelling of it...

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