ucraniano sobrenomes que começam com P

ucraniano sobrenomes em ordem alfabética:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sobrenome Origem Significado
Pancratova ucraniano Female name PANCRATOVA is a Latin spe...
Pancratow ucraniano Male name PANCRATOW is a Latin spelli...
Pancratowa ucraniano Female name PANCRATOWA is a Latin spe...
Panencko ucraniano Name PANENCKO is a Latin spelling of ...
Panenco ucraniano Name PANENCO is a Latin spelling of i...
Panenko ucraniano Name PANENKO is a Latin spelling of i...
Panfil ucraniano
Panfiloff ucraniano Male name PANFILOFF is a Latin spelli...
Panfilov ucraniano Male name PANFILOV is a Latin spellin...
Panfilova ucraniano Female name PANFILOVA is a Latin spel...
Panfilow ucraniano Male name PANFILOW is a Latin spellin...
Panfilowa ucraniano Female name PANFILOWA is a Latin spel...
Panich ucraniano Name PANICH is a Latin spelling of it...
Panin ucraniano Male name PANIN is a Latin spelling o...
Panina ucraniano Female name PANINA is a Latin spellin...
Pankevich ucraniano Name PANKEVICH is a Latin spelling of...
Pankewich ucraniano Name PANKEWICH is a Latin spelling of...
Pankiv ucraniano Male name PANKIV is a Latin spelling ...
Pankiva ucraniano Female name PANKIVA is a Latin spelli...
Pankiw ucraniano Male name PANKIW is a Latin spelling ...
Pankiwa ucraniano Female name PANKIWA is a Latin spelli...
Panko ucraniano Name PANKO is a Latin spelling of its...
Pankoff ucraniano Male name PANKOFF is a Latin spelling...
Pankov ucraniano Male name PANKOV is a Latin spelling ...
Pankova ucraniano Female name PANKOVA is a Latin spelli...
Pankow ucraniano Male name PANKOW is a Latin spelling ...

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