Irish Nachnamen beginnend mit N

Irish Familiennamen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Nutley Irish Local: Of Nutley, parishes in diouces...
Nutman Irish The nutman, a dealer in nuts. Also 't...
Nutshill Irish
Nutson Irish The son of Cnut, found in the 13th ce...
Nutt Irish The son of Cnut, found in the 13th ce...
Nuttall Irish Local: Of Nuttall or Nuthall, a paris...
Nuttell Irish Local: Of Nuttall or Nuthall, a paris...
Nutter Irish The neat-herd, atender of cattle. Ice...
Nutting Irish
Nuttle Irish Local: Of Nuttall or Nuthall, a paris...
Nuttman Irish The nutman, a dealer in nuts. Also 't...
Nutts Irish The son of Cnut, found in the 13th ce...
Nwecomb Irish
Nydie Irish
Nye Irish Local: Atten ey, at the 'ey,' from re...
Nyhan Irish
Nylan Irish
Nyland Irish

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