Greek Nachnamen beginnend mit C

Greek Familiennamen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Christos Greek
Christou Greek
Chronis Greek
Chrysanthopoulo Greek
Chrysicopoulo Greek
Chrysospathis Greek
Chrysostalis Greek
Chryssidis Greek
Cicala Greek
Cicogna Greek
Cimara Greek
Ciocarlan Greek
Ciolac Greek
Clada Greek
Clados Greek
Claudato Greek
Cloni Greek
Coccala Greek
Cochini Greek
Cocorescu Greek
Coida Greek
Cojevina Greek
Colachis Greek
Coliva Greek
Collar Greek The coller, i.e. collier. The surname...
Collas Greek
Nachname Herkunft Bedeutung
Collias Greek
Colocotroni Greek
Colonomos Greek
Colovos Greek
Comata Greek
Combothecra Greek
Comis Greek
Comitopoulo Greek
Comnene Greek
Comnino Greek
Comsa Greek
Comuto Greek
Conaki Greek
Condas Greek
Condeescu Greek
Condi Greek
Condoidi Greek
Condonin Greek
Condos Greek
Condostavlo Greek
Conemenos Greek
Constantinides Greek
Constantinidi Greek
Constantinou Greek

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