Surnames that make great first names
We do not really know what surnames will make great first name. It is just highly subjective.
What we can tell you is what last names historically been used as first name.
We do not know if they will be great. We just know they have been at some time...
Longest last names
The 2000 USA census contains more than 150,000 surnames. The longest surnames contain 15 characters each.
There are 23 names like that. There could be more of those last names in reality. Firstly because it has been
10+ years since the survey and we could have gotten...
Census 2000: how many distinct surnames are there?
Even after applying various edits and acceptance criteria to the names, there are a sizable number of unique names in the population. Over 6 million last names were identified. Many of these names were either unique (occurred once)...