Shortest last names
The 2000 USA census contains no surnames with ONE character.
The shortest last names there have at least two characters in them. We found 175 of those. It does not mean that a one
character name does not exist. The census data only contain surnames that occurred at lea...
Longest last names
The 2000 USA census contains more than 150,000 surnames. The longest surnames contain 15 characters each.
There are 23 names like that. There could be more of those last names in reality. Firstly because it has been
10+ years since the survey and we could have gotten...
Double-barrelled surnames
Can you lose your identity in a double-barrelled surname?
So, you are getting married and thinking about creating a double-barrel surname from yours and your future spouse’s surnames. Maybe there is another reason you want that type of surname. Somethin...