Christian baby names
Here is a list of baby names and their meanings that came to us straight from the Bible.
Shortest last names
The 2000 USA census contains no surnames with ONE character.
The shortest last names there have at least two characters in them. We found 175 of those. It does not mean that a one
character name does not exist. The census data only contain surnames that occurred at lea...
Most Popular Kazakh Baby Names
Below is the list of popular Kazakh first names in alphabetical order.
First girl baby names:
Адиль (Adil)
Адия (Adiea)
Ажар (Azhar)
Айбала (Ajbala)
Айбарша (Ajbarsha)
Айбике (Ajbike)
Айганша (Ajgansha)
Айгуль (Ajgul)
Аида (Aida)