Male Baby Name Kael |
See what ranks the name held throu the years 1880 to 2012, how many newborn babies were given that name, and what the percentage it was. |
Double-barrelled surnamesCan you lose your identity in a double-barrelled surname?So, you are getting married and thinking about creating a double-barrel surname from yours and your future spouse’s surnames. Maybe there is another reason you want that type of surname. Somethin... |
Most Popular Kazakh Baby NamesBelow is the list of popular Kazakh first names in alphabetical order.First girl baby names: Адиль (Adil) Адия (Adiea) Ажар (Azhar) Айбала (Ajbala) Айбарша (Ajbarsha) Айбике (Ajbike) Айганша (Ajgansha) Айгуль (Ajgul) Аида (Aida) Айда... |
Ukrainian middle namesUkrainian middle names form the same way as Russian ones, except that for girls, the patronymic ending is '-ivna' rather than '-ovna' or '-evna.' Follow the Russian middle names link to get any additional information. |
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