Male Baby Name Jace |
See what ranks the name held throu the years 1880 to 2012, how many newborn babies were given that name, and what the percentage it was. |
Most Popular Greenlandic Baby NamesBelow is the list of popular Greenlandic first names in alphabetical order.First girl baby names: Ane Marie Karen Johanne Sofie Dorthe Margrethe Sara Naja Anna Kristine Else Louise Helene Karoline Susanne Amalie Elisabeth Paninn... |
How many distinct last names exist in the United States of America?How does one estimate/guess that number? The first source that comes to mind is the result of the latest available census. We know that 2000 year census presents us with a little over 150,000 unique surnames. The least po... |
Most Popular Kazakh Baby NamesBelow is the list of popular Kazakh first names in alphabetical order.First girl baby names: Адиль (Adil) Адия (Adiea) Ажар (Azhar) Айбала (Ajbala) Айбарша (Ajbarsha) Айбике (Ajbike) Айганша (Ajgansha) Айгуль (Ajgul) Аида (Aida) Айда... |
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