Last Name YACKOSummary/Contribute |
Meaning |
Name YACKO is a Latin spelling of its Cyrillic origin 'ЯЦКО'. Below are some other possible Latin spellings of the Cyrillic version of this name. 'YACKO' 'YATSKO' 'YACCO' 'YATSCO' 'YACCKO' 'YATSCKO' . Name YACKO is a Latin spelling of its Cyrillic origin 'ЯЦЬКО'. Below are some other possible Latin spellings of the Cyrillic version of this name. 'YACKO' 'YATSKO' 'YACCO' 'YATSCO' 'YACCKO' 'YATSCKO' . Name YACKO is a Latin spelling of its Cyrillic origin 'ЯЦКО'. Below are some other possible Latin spellings of the Cyrillic version of this name. 'YACKO' 'YATSKO' 'YACCO' 'YATSCO' 'YACCKO' 'YATSCKO' . | |
Origin | Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian |
Rank | 51,458 (2000 US census) | 53,319 (1990 US census) | |
Count | 380 (2000 US census) |
Race / ethnic distribution | |
The 2000 US Census claims that
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