Last Name JONES


Meaning The son of John or Johan, or Jone, as at first written and pronounced, bith masculine and feminine. In the 13th and 14th centuries Johan stood for both Johanes and Johanna. This being awkward, the masculine took the form of John (Jon), the feminine of Joan (Jone). But is it quite clear that for a time the sound Jone represented both. Joneson has become absorbed by Johnson. Indeea, Joynson is the only variant that remains.
The same as John or Johns, and signifies gracious.
The son of John or Johan, or Jone, as at first written and pronounced, both masculine and feminine. In the 13th and 14th centuries Johan stood for both Johannes and Johanna. The masculine took the form of John(Jon), the feminine of Joan(Jone). But it is quite clear from evidence that for a time the sound of Jone represented both.
Origin English, Hebrew, Jewish, Norwegian, Polish, Native American, Irish, Falkland, Creole, Austrian, Belgian, South african, Hungarian

Rank 5 (2000 US census) 4 (1990 US census)
Count 1,362,755 (2000 US census)

Race / ethnic distribution

The 2000 US Census claims that
  • 57.69%, or 786173 total occurrences, of those with this family name identified themselves as being white,
  • 37.73%, or 514167 total occurrences, as black,
  • 0.35%, or 4770 total occurrences, as Asian and Pacific Islander,
  • 0.94%, or 12810 total occurrences, as American Indian and Native Alaskan,
  • 1.85%, or 25211 total occurrences, as two or more races, and
  • 1.44%, or 19624 total occurrences, as Hispanic ethnic origin.

Christian baby names

Here is a list of baby names and their meanings that came to us straight from the Bible. ...

Census 2000: how many distinct surnames are there?

Even after applying various edits and acceptance criteria to the names, there are a sizable number of unique names in the population. Over 6 million last names were identified. Many of these names were either unique (occurred once)...

Ukrainian middle names

Ukrainian middle names form the same way as Russian ones, except that for girls, the patronymic ending is '-ivna' rather than '-ovna' or '-evna.' Follow the Russian middle names link to get any additional information.

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