Last Name GRACHEKSummary/Contribute |
Meaning | Not available | |
Origin | Not available |
Rank | 113,519 (2000 US census) | ||
Count | 143 (2000 US census) |
Race / ethnic distribution | |
The 2000 US Census claims that
Scottish surnamesScottish last names divide themselves into two classes: Highland and Lowland.In very few instances the names were considered before the eleventh century. They became significantly better known only since the thirteen century. Just like English and other last n... |
Russian middle namesAs with many things that are 'Russian,' neither child nor his parents has much choice in picking the name. It is purely patronymic and generally predefined at the time when the child is born or even rather conceived. The name is derived from the child's father's first... |
Some Popular Lithuanian Baby NamesHere is the list of some Lithuanian first names in alphabetical order:Aba Abromas Adolfas Adolis Adomas Albertas Albinas Aleksandras Aleksas Aleksiejus Alfonsas Alfredas Algirdas Aloizas Aloyzas Ambroziejus Andrijonas Andri... |
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