
Meaning Local: The English, the Scotch Inglis anglicized as English.
Origin English, Jewish, French, Polish, Irish, Zimbabwean, Hungarian, Guam

Rank 692 (2000 US census) 649 (1990 US census)
Count 45,032 (2000 US census)

Race / ethnic distribution

The 2000 US Census claims that
  • 74.07%, or 33355 total occurrences, of those with this family name identified themselves as being white,
  • 21.27%, or 9578 total occurrences, as black,
  • 0.56%, or 252 total occurrences, as Asian and Pacific Islander,
  • 0.61%, or 275 total occurrences, as American Indian and Native Alaskan,
  • 1.82%, or 820 total occurrences, as two or more races, and
  • 1.66%, or 748 total occurrences, as Hispanic ethnic origin.

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