Last Name BALICHSummary/Contribute |
Meaning |
Name BALICH is a Latin spelling of its Cyrillic origin 'БАЛИЧ'. Below are some other possible Latin spellings of the Cyrillic version of this name. 'BALICH' . | |
Origin | Croatian, Hungarian, Belarusian |
Rank | 68,973 (2000 US census) | 88,199 (1990 US census) | |
Count | 266 (2000 US census) |
Race / ethnic distribution | |
The 2000 US Census claims that
Christian baby namesHere is a list of baby names and their meanings that came to us straight from the Bible. ... |
Longest baby namesThe longest first name, consisting of 12 characters, from the baby names reported since the year 1880 in the United States is Francisquita.There are three names consisting of 11 characters: Christopher, Margueritta, and Margueritte |
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