Русские фамилии начинающиеся с Y

Русские фамилии в алфавитном порядке:
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Фамилия Происхождение Значение
Yakovchencko Русское Name YAKOVCHENCKO is a Latin spelling...
Yakovchenco Русское Name YAKOVCHENCO is a Latin spelling ...
Yakovchenko Русское Name YAKOVCHENKO is a Latin spelling ...
Yakovcin Русское Male name YAKOVCIN is a Latin spellin...
Yakovcina Русское Female name YAKOVCINA is a Latin spel...
Yakovckin Русское Male name YAKOVCKIN is a Latin spelli...
Yakovckina Русское Female name YAKOVCKINA is a Latin spe...
Yakovel Русское Name YAKOVEL is a Latin spelling of i...
Yakovencko Русское Name YAKOVENCKO is a Latin spelling o...
Yakovenco Русское Name YAKOVENCO is a Latin spelling of...
Yakovenko Русское Name YAKOVENKO is a Latin spelling of...
Yakovin Русское Male name YAKOVIN is a Latin spelling...
Yakovina Русское Female name YAKOVINA is a Latin spell...
Yakovkin Русское Male name YAKOVKIN is a Latin spellin...
Yakovkina Русское Female name YAKOVKINA is a Latin spel...
Yakovleff Русское Male name YAKOVLEFF is a Latin spelli...
Yakovlev Русское Son of Jacob.
Yakovleva Русское Female name YAKOVLEVA is a Latin spel...
Yakovlevich Русское Name YAKOVLEVICH is a Latin spelling ...
Yakovlew Русское Male name YAKOVLEW is a Latin spellin...
Yakovlewa Русское Female name YAKOVLEWA is a Latin spel...
Yakovlewich Русское Name YAKOVLEWICH is a Latin spelling ...
Yakovtseff Русское Male name YAKOVTSEFF is a Latin spell...
Yakovtsev Русское Male name YAKOVTSEV is a Latin spelli...
Yakovtseva Русское Female name YAKOVTSEVA is a Latin spe...
Yakovtsew Русское Male name YAKOVTSEW is a Latin spelli...
Фамилия Происхождение Значение
Yakovtsewa Русское Female name YAKOVTSEWA is a Latin spe...
Yakovunic Русское Name YAKOVUNIC is a Latin spelling of...
Yakovunick Русское Name YAKOVUNICK is a Latin spelling o...
Yakovunik Русское Name YAKOVUNIK is a Latin spelling of...
Yakow Русское Male name YAKOW is a Latin spelling o...
Yakowa Русское Female name YAKOWA is a Latin spellin...
Yakowceff Русское Male name YAKOWCEFF is a Latin spelli...
Yakowcev Русское Male name YAKOWCEV is a Latin spellin...
Yakowceva Русское Female name YAKOWCEVA is a Latin spel...
Yakowcew Русское Male name YAKOWCEW is a Latin spellin...
Yakowcewa Русское Female name YAKOWCEWA is a Latin spel...
Yakowchencko Русское Name YAKOWCHENCKO is a Latin spelling...
Yakowchenco Русское Name YAKOWCHENCO is a Latin spelling ...
Yakowchenko Русское Name YAKOWCHENKO is a Latin spelling ...
Yakowcin Русское Male name YAKOWCIN is a Latin spellin...
Yakowcina Русское Female name YAKOWCINA is a Latin spel...
Yakowckin Русское Male name YAKOWCKIN is a Latin spelli...
Yakowckina Русское Female name YAKOWCKINA is a Latin spe...
Yakowel Русское Name YAKOWEL is a Latin spelling of i...
Yakowencko Русское Name YAKOWENCKO is a Latin spelling o...
Yakowenco Русское Name YAKOWENCO is a Latin spelling of...
Yakowenko Русское Name YAKOWENKO is a Latin spelling of...
Yakowin Русское Male name YAKOWIN is a Latin spelling...
Yakowina Русское Female name YAKOWINA is a Latin spell...

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