
Meaning Name MOGHAROVSIJ is a Latin spelling of its Cyrillic origin 'МОЖАРОВСИЙ'. Below are some other possible Latin spellings of the Cyrillic version of this name.
Origin Belarusian

Longest last names

The 2000 USA census contains more than 150,000 surnames. The longest surnames contain 15 characters each. There are 23 names like that. There could be more of those last names in reality. Firstly because it has been 10+ years since the survey and we could have gotten...

How many distinct last names exist in the United States of America?

How does one estimate/guess that number? The first source that comes to mind is the result of the latest available census. We know that 2000 year census presents us with a little over 150,000 unique surnames. The least po...

English surnames

English surnames can be divided into five classes: Baptisimal or Personal (first) names, local, official, and occupative surnames. Nicknames represent the last class. Practically there are only four classes, for it is often hard ti distinguish between occupation and offic...

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